Health Articles

  • A troubling trend is emerging on playing fields and basketball courts—young girls leaping or changing direction, only to crumble in agonizing pain. Nationwide, girls experience serious knee injuries, such as ACL tears, at much higher rates than boys…
  • While acute injuries like wrist fractures, ankle sprains, shoulder dislocations, and hamstring strains typically result from a single traumatic event, overuse injuries develop gradually and are more subtle. They occur due to repetitive microtrauma…
  • As the body's largest tendon, the Achilles tendon plays a crucial role in walking, running, and jumping. However, when the tendon stretches beyond its limit, it can rupture, resulting in a partial or complete tear. This typically occurs due to a…
  • Because of the nature of gaming systems and computer use, gaming-related injuries are typically overuse injuries, like trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tendinitis. These injuries can cause significant pain and eventually require surgery…
  • Dupuytren’s disease is a common and benign condition of the palm and fingers where the fibrous tissue underneath the skin tightens and thickens. As the tissue tightens, nodules and rope-like cords form below the skin, and the finger joints are…
  • The ulnar nerve is one of the main nerves in your hand that provides feeling and helps with function. Ulnar tunnel syndrome can result in pain or weakness and make it difficult to enjoy some of your favorite activities, such as playing golf, biking…
  • After having a joint replacement, you may expect to be able to return to the lifestyle you had before surgery, but this can take some time. It is important to stay committed to your recovery plan so that your recovery process can be as smooth as…
  • The Mako robotic-assisted surgical system is used in joint replacement to promote accuracy and control and to spare any healthy bones or ligaments from being removed.  At The Orthopaedic & Fracture Clinic, fellowship-trained, board-…
  • Your joints can take on a lot of damage throughout your life, leading to degenerative conditions, like osteoarthritis. Joint replacement is often the recommended solution for the pain and limited mobility associated with these conditions. …
  • Injuries are not scheduled and tend to occur when you least expect them. When you or your loved one suffers an injury, you want the best care available as soon as possible. In some cases, that means a trip to the emergency room. Other times, however…