Frequently Asked Questions

When can I drive after surgery? 

Once you are off any pain medication.  

Further explanation dependent on physician and procedure.

What is the general time period I’ll be off work after surgery? These

A more thorough explanation is dependent on procedure, physician, and job responsibilities.

Will I go to a rehab facility/nursing home after surgery at River’s Edge?  

This varies based on the patient, procedure, amount of help at home, and insurance. Any questions can be directed to the social worker at River’s Edge (507-931-2200).  

You will also want to check with your insurance about requirements/coverage.

Further explanation dependent on physician and procedure.  

What if I’m having an outpatient procedure?

Further explanation dependent on physician and procedure.  

Expected PT after surgery? Do I need a sling, crutches, etc.?  

Further explanation dependent on physician and procedure.  

Do I need to contact my insurance?  

Authorization for the procedure will be checked/completed by OFC. If you have questions about coverage/out-of-pocket costs/networks, you will want to contact your insurance.

How can I get an estimate for my treatment?  

Contact our business office at 507-386-6603.

Further explanation and if you have questions about surgery, please contact 507.386.0005.

Do I need antibiotics for dental work or other procedures after having surgery with OFC? 

Our providers recommend antibiotics before any dental work if you’ve had a total joint replacement.

Further explanation on what to do if needing to call for antibiotic refill or any other direction.

When will I follow up with my provider after surgery?  

Generally, a first post-op appointment will be 10 – 14 days after surgery. The surgical facility will help arrange that appointment on the day of your surgery.

Further explanation on any other variations based on physician, procedure.

I’m seeing a spine provider. Do I need to bring anything to my appointment?  

If you have been treated elsewhere for your spine, please gather as much information as you can on where and when you received treatment.  

Further explanation on either providing that information to the scheduler at the time of scheduling the appointment or bringing records/images with to the appointment.

When will I get my arrival time for my surgery or spine injection?  

For surgery, OFC will call you the day before your procedure to give you the arrival time after schedules have been confirmed with the facility. 

For spine injections, MSC will send you a text message two business days before your injection. 

How long should I plan to be at MSC for my spine injection? 

Please plan for approximately 2 hours for the injection process. You’ll arrive 1 hour pre-procedure, the procedure will take approximately 30 minutes, and you will be observed post-procedure for approximately 30 minutes.

What are my spine injection discharge instructions? 

The staff at the Mankato Surgery Center will provide this information.